Letters to my enemy: The Farrall-Al Masri dialogue

Leah Farrall, an online acquaintance of mine, is fast becoming one of the most talked-about security bloggers out there. It’s not hard to see why. Leah writes a provocative and accessible blog on counterterrorism, and has recently engaged in an exchange of letters with Abu Walid al Masri, an Egyptian-born Taliban propagandist and former fighter. In his first letter to Leah, al Masri writes:

So we become ready for an intellectual dialogue with the security beauty and the terrorist fighter, Mrs Farrall, we take a tour with her in the different field of terrorism. She wants a tour so she can get a more accurate knowledge of the enemy so she can target them in a better way. I want the dialogue to clarify the truths to our Arab public and to all the people of the world if possible.

Go read the whole thing.  Stuff like this makes me seriously wish I had studied psychology.

One thought on “Letters to my enemy: The Farrall-Al Masri dialogue

  1. I’ve spent the last hour reading about this, linking through articles and trying to get a grip on the conversation. Fascinating. Thanks for posting!

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